Are You Committed To The Process?!

I am actively on the hunt for the next wave of competitors with elite ambitions!  Bold and powerful players willing to to push themselves beyond their current limits.  Male and Female athletes brave enough to endure the set backs that can and must come with high ambitions!   Athletes willing to sacrifice comfort for genuine growth!


Tomorrow's Champions have to learn: You can't always win. When you fail, you grow. When you compete against the best you will sometimes lose! The future is bright for those willing to commit to the process of hard work!  If that's you, Let's do this...



stay tuned for our upcoming Training sessions for fall 2020!

Speed & strength!

Speed & Agility

In all our sessions athletes get a  proper warm up, core and body weight strength development, footwork, agility and speed!  We coach, correct and encourage our athletes on their running form, Sprint technique and effort.  Players train in sand, on turf, work with medicine balls, balance boards, execute explosive jumps, sprints and a variety of skill enhancing drills!  

Train Hard & Eliminate Excuses!

Now is the time to take advantage of this season! Commit yourself to the growth process & sling shot to the next level! Sign up for one of our speed, agility & strength classes and overpower the competition!  Fine tune your sport specific skills and outshine your opponents!


What are you waiting for? Train Hard & Eliminate Excuses! Sign up today!


 Either your moving forward or falling behind!  We offer incredible programs that provide unique training regiments that feature sand training, resistance, agility, speed tech, lateral quickness and plyometrics!   Get settled in, then come train with us to stay stay sharp and get an edge on the competition! 

This is Sand Training!

        Coach Rashid Gayle: 404 925 7521